Each week we feature a new comic strip on our Instagram. Each week, we have to come up with a new idea for that week’s comic strip. Would you like to be a part of that process? Well, YOU CAN BE!

Step 1: Follow us on the Official Waffle Smash Instagram!
Step 2: Give us your best idea (or ideas) for a comic strip. You can submit as many as you want! If we select one (or more) of your ideas, we will buy your idea from you for $300 and give you credit for being the “story creator” of that particular comic strip! You will be able to show all of your friends that your comic was published, although, they may insist on you paying for their lunch! HAHAHA.
Your idea may be either a description or a complete comic strip, drawn and ready to go! To submit your idea, please use the upload form below and send your idea to us! Please be sure to email a copy of your idea to yourself on the same day that you submit the idea to us so that you have proof of the day that you created the idea! Please use the following format for all submissions:

Step 1: Follow us on the Official Waffle Smash Instagram!
Step 2: Give us your best idea (or ideas) for a comic strip. You can submit as many as you want! If we select one (or more) of your ideas, we will buy your idea from you for $300 and give you credit for being the “story creator” of that particular comic strip! You will be able to show all of your friends that your comic was published, although, they may insist on you paying for their lunch! HAHAHA.
Your idea may be either a description or a complete comic strip, drawn and ready to go! To submit your idea, please use the upload form below and send your idea to us! Please be sure to email a copy of your idea to yourself on the same day that you submit the idea to us so that you have proof of the day that you created the idea! Please use the following format for all submissions:

Please use both forms below to get started. You may either download or print them. Once you have completed filling out both the submission form and the storyboard template, please send both completed forms to the email address below. Remember to only use a MAXIMUM of 10 boxes per idea you submit.
Email submissions to: [email protected]