If you are the first person to suggest an idea for a new feature in the game and we wind up using that feature, we will pay you $5,000 for your idea, give you (and a plus one) an all-expenses paid trip out to Scottsdale, AZ, and let you spend a few days with us to be a part of the team as we plan to build your feature! Click here to submit your ideas and be sure to add us on Instagram (@wafflesmashofficial)! Be sure to be as detailed as possible about your idea! We are excited!

For Minors: Must be 13 or over to qualify. If under 18, must provide contact information for the parent or guardian who will be required to accompany you on the trip to visit Wamba Technologies Studios. No public acknowledgment, payment, or trip plans shall be made without a signed consent form by a parent or guardian. In the event that a disqualified person provides an idea that is implemented into Waffle Smash: Diner Rush, Wamba Technologies shall place the prize money into a trust account until either the minor turns 13 and has parental/guardianship consent, or, if lacking such consent, the minor turns 18 years of age, at which point in time, the prize money shall be paid to said party along with whatever interest has accrued.